Saturday Summary: Can Satan Read my Mind?

Here's what I found most interesting and helpful this week, plus site news.

Links of Note

Can Satan read my mind? — R. C. Sproul answers a common concern.
"As we learned from their writings" — E. J. Hutchinson observes that the earliest complete defense of Christianity (Aristides, ca. 125) recognized the distinct authority of Scripture.
The Fullness of Beauty — Steve DeWitt on appreciating all beauty in this world as expressions of God's essential beauty. 
Y-Yo Ma, Thile, Miller, and Duncan String Quartet (video) — Speaking of beauty, here's some of the most enjoyable music I've heard in a good while

Site News

WSCALWitness — For those in the WSCAL universe, here's news. After a long hiatus, I'll be carrying my camera around campus more often. Second, I programmed the blog to post one photo each day for the next year. Third, I'm selling prints of the campus (not of people, unless it's you). They arrive at your door, hassle free. Check it out and share with other sentimental alumnists. Sorry for cross-posting.